Ten years ago, Kevin called you and your mom up and asked if he could bring me to your birthday party as his date...we had been dating a mere month, and it was sight unseen for you, but you immediately said, “Sure!" I remember thinking at the time that it was very gracious and sweet of you. On the day of your party, I also remember being struck by the fact that you were the one doing a lot of the serving...even though it was YOUR big day. But as many have probably already have said on this blog, that is your gifting. That is who you are. You are serving. You are hosting. You are helping. You are giving. You think ahead to what someone's needs may be (a big one for me as a mom was when we were all there for the 50th anniversary party, you thought to collect toys for the kids to play with). I would imagine on the job, you epitomize the perfect flight attendant. You serve like no one’s business and you look lovely doing it! :-)
You have a knack for creating beauty - your home is a sanctuary of peace and comfort. While we were enjoying breakfast at your home last year during the anniversary party, and I took Evie inside to rest, I couldn’t get over the serenity and loveliness of the whole house. It was a dream.
As Eliana said recently, “Aunt Kim’s house is a fairy house…the garden is made for fairies and flowers. And Aunt Kim is like a flower too! She smells good and is so pretty!"
My birthday wish for you is that YOU are given to this year…in blessings, health, peace, love, and contentment, and all things lovely.
Eliana’s birthday wish is, “I hope to see you soon, Aunt Kim…have a very Happy Birthday!”
And Jack wanted to say, “Happy Birthday, Aunt Kim!”From Kevin: Happy birthday...looking forward to having you out in Boise with mom and dad...the three of you might just decide that Idaho is your next adventure...Look forward to showing you around and seeing if y'all get hooked!
Love, Kevin, Katie, Eliana, Jack, and Evie

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