May you enjoy the most joyous of birthdays, dear Kim! Congratulations on being a young lady in your 50s now -- it's the best decade ever. (I have enjoyed my 50s for 5 years so far, and it feels great!) 
Kim, this is a good opportunity to thank you for the many ways you use your gifts of friendliness, generosity, and great communication to serve, delight and bless those around you. With your caring, compassionate and thoughtful spirit, combined with your passion for truth and for Christ, you share the aroma of Jesus with your neighbors and friends -- which you have in many places around the world. I have seen you minister to children and to the most senior of our seniors, with gentleness, sweetness and grace. I also see you honor your parents with a love that most families can only imagine. It is touching and inspiring.
I love your adventurous curiosity and your love of people and nature and new experiences, Kim. I love that you raise butterflies and flowers and huge healthy vegetables. Whether reading your Facebook posts, seeing pictures from around the world, walking the neighborhood in the morning with you, or sharing in the ministries of Grace, I am grateful to be one of the people you share life with. May your birthday be special and your year be wonderful.
Love in Jesus,
Julie O'Herin
"May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."
I Thessalonians 5:23-24, 28
Kim, Julie was one of the first to respond, sending hers on Nov. 7th! I somehow overlooked it, and just now happened upon it in my Yahoo mailbox which I NEVER check, so obviously, God wanted you to have this one, too, from another wonderful friend! You are so blessed! Enjoy!