Monday, November 23, 2015

From Sophia

Why you are one of the five best aunts in the ENTIRE WORLD!

Dear Aunt Kim,
You are most definitely one of the five best aunts in the world! I feel so sorry for all those kids who don’t have you as their aunt. It must be terrible. You are the best example I could ask for. You are: kind, loving, generous, gorgeous, and a great gift giver! Every time I see you, you give me something awesome. Great clothes, fun things from your travels, or just something fun that happens to become one of my most treasured possessions. Once my sisters and I stayed in California while my parents went to Alaska. Well, I’m not sure who had the most fun, I think it was the kids though. Every day there was something fun. Our awesome aunt took the time off and took us to amusement parks, the flower shop to get milkweed so we could raise monarchs, and countless other places. Then we would all go to her house, sit down and watch Little House on the Prairie. Then at my grandparents’ anniversary she let my cousins, sisters, and me make fairy gardens in her backyard that she planted and kept going. And got buckets of, toys, stuffed animals, and art supplies for us to play with. Oh and, one of the biggest signs of love, my aunt shares her bacon and her chocolate ice cream with me. As you can see my aunt is absolutely one of the five Best aunts in the world. And I absolutely want to be like you when I grow up. :)

your adoring niece, Sophia           

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