Monday, November 23, 2015

Quite the investor


Of the many things there are to admire about your character, one that stands out to me is your ability to see potential and invest until it is realized. Your job was an early example--you stayed with demanding schedules until you reached a place in the company where you have a remarkable degree of flexibility enabling you to pursue other investments--such as your house. I remember seeing it for the first time, with its dingy, dark ceiling, dated and dusty kitchen, and dirty bedrooms. But you saw the potential and carefully, persistently invested your time and money to produce a lovely living space that is an oasis of peace in your busy world.

And then, of course, there are all the people in whom you have seen potential and invested. La Mirada EV Free was a struggling congregation when you joined, invested as a deacon with myriad responsibilities, and now it is Grace. bustling and bursting at its already-let-out seams. Many of the people contributing to this blog have benefited from your investments in their lives, but I remember particularly Duke, Chanel, Colleen, and Hannah and Jun. I know there have been many others.

I am especially partial to three of your beneficiaries who live in Arkansas. You have loved our girls with all your heart since each of them joined the Weirich family, investing hundreds of hours and dollars flying to be with them, shopping for them, praying and playing with them. They adore you. You serve as a potent example to them of a Christian compassionate to the vulnerable and a successful woman of faith working in corporate America. Thank you for seeing their potential and for continuing to invest, even at great expense, in their development. Your investment is already paying high dividends.

Here's to another fabulous fifty!

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